The Power of Regular Giving – by Anthea Allen

I've been an MEM supporter since I was a student almost 30 years ago.

I don't know about you, but I am amazing at good intentions. Actually getting around to do them ... less so. Picking my way through half-finished projects in the garage to emptying the washing machine can be a challenge! But what has this got to do with being an MEM supporter? Simple: a direct debit!

Uncertainty is an unavoidable aspect of life in the Middle East. In a small way, I can help reduce the stress of that by making my donations regular month in, month out. I review the amount if my circumstances change, but it means that supporting MEM is never found lurking half way down my black hole of a to-do list.

Why have I supported MEM for more than half my life?

I became a Christian at University. Being young, free and single, what better could I do than become a missionary? And who are the people least likely to happen across the Gospel? Middle Eastern women! Fortunately, an older, wiser Christian raised a brow and asked whether I was doing it for their sake or for mine. My influence as young, Western woman with a year of Arabic evening classes would be tiny. Then, I came across MEM at a conference.

It was far better for me to work in the UK and regularly support MEM with cash and prayer. That way, people who speak the language fluently and understand the culture can provide a Christian influence directly into the homes of those who are unlikely to encounter Jesus any other way. My dream of changing lives in hard to reach places could come about!

Whether you can support MEM with £1 a month or £100, I urge you to set up a Standing Order. Make that good intention a reality. I have no regrets about supporting MEM regularly for 30 years and, God willing, I shall continue to do so for another 30!

Join our mission today! It’s easy to set up a regular gift online securely without going into a bank: