Syria Under the Rubble: How we're sending hope to earthquake survivors

Life in the Desert is one of our most highly-demanded projects to date. The 3D animation series and curriculum were developed specifically to minister to Arabic-speaking children who have experienced trauma. We train local carers and NGO workers to use the programme effectively with vulnerable children in their communities. Very often, we find that the programme deeply touches the adults, too – many have also experienced horrific traumas.

Long before the deadly earthquakes hit south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria this Feburary, our team planned to deliver this training to the NGO workers connected with our Syrian partner. One of the reasons LITD is so effective with children is the way that children identify themselves with the main character, eight-year-old Farah (pictured right), and with the difficult themes that it presents so sensitively.

Using language that the children understand is equally important. We recently dubbed Season 1 (13 episodes) of Life in the Desert into the Syrian dialect. Now, ensuring that carers are fully equipped to deliver the programme is a vital next step.

Shortly after the quakes, a desperate plea from our Syrian partner came for us to deliver this training as quickly as possible. This disaster has drastically increased the numbers of displaced, bereaved and traumatised children in their communities. These children are at risk of developing severe mental health problems if the psychological impact of the events this year goes unaddressed.

Enabling this training is now a priority. We are currently raising urgent funds for this.

Want to give? Use this form to give a one-off donation to LITD Training for Syria.

Want to pray for LITD? Here’s how you can be praying for the project over the coming weeks…

  • For Training

    For the NGO workers of our Syrian partner desperate to receive LITD training so that they can reach earthquake survivors. Pray for sufficient funding to enable this to take place, and for a safe location where this can be carried out.

  • For Dubbing

    For a partner of ours currently dubbing the series into Turkish for use with earthquake survivors. For funding to enable us to continue dubbing Season 2 into the Syrian dialect, and also into French and Sudanese Arabic.

  • For Distribution

    Please pray for our partners and the 262 LITD-trained NGO workers as they continue to reach more vulnerable children. Pray especially for our Lebanese partner, taking LITD to some of the most hard-to-reach refugee camps in the country.