2020 Projects

The work and projects that we do are diverse and have long-lasting impact for years to come. The projects listed here are just some of the work that we will be doing this year. They are projects that we, in the West, will fund throughout 2020 and we hope that you will hold onto this MEMO and come back to this list to pray through each project. Pray that each one would be funded, but also that each one would have incredible impact on people’s lives across the region.

As well as these projects, we do work for some of the biggest international organisations, such as the UN and UNICEF, who work in the Middle East. We also work with Christian organisations such as The Bible Project and national government agencies. The reputation of our work reaches all areas of society, which opens doors to train church leaders, secular leaders, and government officials.

The momentum of what God is doing through our ministry has carried into this year and we are excited about all of the lives that will be forever changed and transformed.

“Middle East Media’s (MEM) training on the Future Leaders camp was more practical and beneficial than my current university degree course in Mass Media. I am seriously considering doing my dissertation with MEM so that I can gain more practical experience.”


*Future Leaders graduate. Name changed for security reasons.

Middle East Projects

Blossoms - Workshops and support groups specifically for Sudanese refugees in North Africa to help them overcome extreme racism and isolation.

Diversity Project - Promoting tolerance and diversity to young people and parents through workshops and the production of films. 

Dream Maker- Building capacity of NGO facilitators and school teachers to support children with life skills, which helps them portray their dreams for the future and gain self-confidence.

Employment Equipping - Providing 1-year part-time employment for 3 BMBs to be discipled, mentored, and equipped in media. We want to empower them to be self-supported as well as gaining the skills that will enable them to find jobs in the market.

Facebook for Women - Creating an online platform to cultivate a questioning culture among Muslim women, providing answers to seekers, and following up those who seek faith. 

Future Leaders - Film-making training for young Christians in the region so that they can serve their churches and distribute biblical messages through video to their broader communities. 

GCCenter - (Gulf Christian Centre, formerly Safe Haven) This centre is aimed at supporting a community of maturing New Church Arab believers from/or living in the Gulf. They will be discipled and equipped with skills to reach their own people.

Got IT!- 1-2 minute episodes explaining Christianity through animation and clearing up common misconceptions.

Life in the Desert - A 26 episode 3D animated series with an accompanying curriculum. This project is aimed at helping children overcome the extreme trauma they have experienced. 

On Bended Knee: Children- 1-2 minute 2D and 3D videos for children of BMB (believers from a Muslim background) parents. Helping them understand the Christian faith in culturally relevant ways.

Tamer’s Questions - 3 minute episodes answering children’s questions about God. Tamer sits down with his father and asks questions, with the father using animation to give the answers.

The Path - (formerly WebTV) Professional film-making training for young people, providing a community for filmmakers to learn and a place for them to discover their potential.