Call2Prayer - Syria and Turkey

Syria has entered a new stage of chaos with thousands fleeing their homes for safety and hospitals seeing casualties come in already. Now, more than ever, the Middle East needs leaders who are looking to build their countries on kind, open and humane principals.

U.S. President Trump has pulled 1,000 troops out of Northern Syria giving way for Turkish President Erdogan to put forward a military offensive. Erdogan said it was to create a 20-mile-deep ‘safe-zone’ along the Turkish-Syrian border while pushing back the People’s Protection Unit’s (YPG) which Turkey sees as an arm of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK). The PKK are deemed a terrorist group by Turkey, the US and the EU. Erdogan says he also wants to create this ‘safe-zone’ to place some of the 3.6 million Syrian refugees that Turkey has taken in since the civil war began in 2011. This has meant that the YPG have now formed an allegiance with Assad’s forces in Syria who are currently heading North to support the YGP against the Turkish army. A ceasefire has been announced today after talks between the US and Turkey allowing the YPG to leave the area. However, it is still to be seen whether they will choose to leave.

This is an extremely complicated situation, with many different factors at play. However, as with all war, innocent civilians are the main victims. Already there have been 71 confirmed civilian deaths during this onslaught by Turkey. However, thousands will be traumatised, not only by the recent events but by the civil war that has been raging for over 8 years. These traumatic experiences will live with them for the rest of their lives affecting their personalities, health, friendships, family life and careers.

At the end of September, at the request of a local church, we had a team go to Syria to give our Future Leaders training to 28 church and Christian NGO leaders. At the end of the 6 days of training, they begged us to come back and provide our Life in the Desert training so that they could help provide psychological, emotional and spiritual healing to their children and start building a stronger future for Syria.

We will continue to support the Syrian people with our programmes but they also desperately need our prayers.

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40: 28 - 31

Please turn with us in prayer this week for –

·      The civilians who are caught up in this ongoing war. Please protect them, Lord, keep them safe from bombs and bullets.

·      Those dealing with psychological, emotional and mental trauma. Lord, please help them find support that can start them on the journey to recovery. You can see all their wounds, help them to heal.

·      Doctors, medical workers, support staff and all those helping Syrians who have been affected by the war. Give them divine strength, compassion and energy to continue.

·      Leaders within these countries. Lord, let them see the damage that is being caused through war and make them stop being destructive. Let them put selfish interests aside, Lord, to help build up the region where everyone is able to thrive.

·      People’s Protection Units and Kurdish Workers Party – visit them, Lord, through dreams and visions, and let them meet with You, the Almighty God.

·      The ceasefire. We pray it will lead to a de-escalation in which long-term peace can be found and a re-building of the region.